Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How To Pick Up Women

Use Confidence and Charm to Pick Women up the Natural Way Guys, if you have been struggling with picking up women and your efforts have not succeeded in snaring a woman of your taste and style, it’s time to focus on the natural aspects of picking up women. When all the macho hoopla is put to the side, confidence, attractiveness and good communication skills will help any man to succeed in meeting the woman of his dreams. Contrary to popular belief, women do not always look for the best-looking man or for the most successful man. Women want a man who pays attention to them and who communicates well. Above all else, women of all types and ages desire a guy who will listen to them.

Practice Your Communication Skills

Communication is a two-way street. The failure of many relationships can be blamed on poor communication. If you have had problems meeting a woman and holding her attention long enough to ask her on a date, consider how you are communicating with women. Are you doing all of the talking or none of the talking? What are you talking about? While it is best to keep conversations with women you have just met casual, it is also important to let her see a glimpse of your personal interests and your own quirky traits that make you who you are.

Don’t be afraid to tell her a quick, clean joke. Be generous with your compliments and let her know her hair is beautiful or her eyes light up in an interesting way. If she is holding a book or wearing a sports team ball cap, use these small things to ask about her personal interests. Does she root for that team? Is that book written by her favorite author? Many men overlook the easiest opportunities to establish a connection with a woman who has caught their eye. Taking time and focusing on the details of a woman will give you insight that can provide the foundation for a great conversation. Great conversations can lead to you asking her out for lunch or for coffee.

If you are naturally bashful, you are not alone. Many men glide past women they are attracted to because they are unsure how to begin a conversation. Overcoming this issue may take considerable effort on your part; but if you never make the effort, you may never enjoy the rewards. Practice talking to your mirror. Try out different statements or opening lines to start a conversation. While these suggestions may seem contrite or silly, these are common communication techniques that many executives use to establish rapport with clients. There is no reason you can’t use these tips to learn how to speak to and establish a rapport with a beautiful and interesting woman.

How You Look Does Matter

You can be casually fashionable in a way that will attract women to you. You don’t have to have a manicure once a week in order to look sophisticated and appealing to a woman. You do need to have good grooming skills and excellent hygiene habits. Consider carrying a packet of mints with you wherever you go. You never know when you will meet an attractive gal and you certainly don’t want your breath to scare her away.

Be prepared and study up on recent guys’ fashions. Many men balk at the idea of studying up on fashion. If you are a working man and love to hang out in your jeans and t-shirt, this is fine; just make sure you are not sporting your favorite torn shirt from the 80’s. Invest in a pair of designer men’s boots and don’t balk at the thought of wearing a casually-sophisticated scarf or knit hat. Take advantage of your best physical features by enhancing them. If you want to snag a beautiful and stylish woman, chances are, you are going to have to be somewhat stylish yourself.

You can dress casually and still look current and relevant. If your hair has been neglected for years, invest in a trendy haircut and make sure you aren't growing out that beard simply because you are too lazy to shave. While women do not want a man who is completely into himself, they do want a man who cares about how he looks.

If you hit the pub a few times a week, be sure to counteract this by hitting the gym a few times a week. The payoff will be worth the effort when you find yourself sitting across a dinner table at a nice restaurant with the woman you have been dying to take out. Be natural, be positive, engage her in conversation and don’t be afraid to let her see you smile.
Bill Preston owns